

Carum are a rock band born in 1991 and composed of many members: Ugo Brugiolo bass and voice, Luca keyboard and voice,  Corina voice, Maria Teresa Fiori voice, Andrea Fiori percussion, Giannandrea Carrari bass, Albino Peruz guitar and Fabio Menegus guitar and percussion. They debuted at a Wovoka's concert and Silvio Belli suggested the name "Carum", that means "cumin spice" in latin. Carum play cover of famous songs of Deep Purple, Toto, Zucchero, REM, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Michael Jackson, David Bowie and many other important artists of the Seventies and the Eighties international music.

Grafica Sanvitese
via A. de Lotto 42
San Vito di Cadore
Phone number 0436 9702

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