Rainfall: Light local - Probability: 40% Snow Altitude: Above 1200-1400 m
Rainfall: Light - Probability: 40% Snow Altitude: Above 1300-1400 m
at 2000 meters
at 3000 meters
Tuesday 11 February
at 2000 meters -4 C min -1 C max
at 3000 meters -8 C min -5 C max
Wednesday 12 February
Thursday 13 February
This is a very easy, relaxing walk, perfect for those who are trying Nordic Walking...
From Zoldo Alto take the cable car lift that goes up to Pian del Crep...
A pleasant forestry road rises for a brief stretch along the Cervegàna torrent and...
During the way on this pleasant itinerary you can visit the villages of Fusine and Pianaz...
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