Nelle botteghe e nei negozi di Cortina d’Ampezzo i prodotti artigianali testimoniano la più genuina e originale espressione artistica valligiana.

Falegnameria Stefano Ghezze

Stylish, rustic, interior furniture

Falegnameria Nichelo

Unique warmth of old wood and customised furniture

Fabbro Marco Siorpaes

Handcrafted ironwork

Falegnameria Il Truciolo

Unique ideas for homes or public places

Falegnameria Silvio Alverà

Careful interior and exterior woodwork

Fabbro Zino L.T.A.

A rich and diverse production of wrought iron objects

Lacedelli Cortina

Entirely customised furniture solutions

Falegnameria Bariza

Interior furnishings, modern or rustic, created with passion

Falegnameria L’Arte di Arredare

Custom-made furniture solutions that bring all the warmth of wood into the home

Pio Alverà

The Art of Glass in Cortina d'Ampezzo

Falegnameria Faloppa

Customised wood furnishings

Zardini Stufe Artistiche

The original systems of the stoves made by Zardini can accumulate heat, store it and then distribute it slowly...

Maurizio Dimai

Handcrafted stoves

Cortina Vetera

Decorative wood flooring

Fabbro Poloto

Respect for tradition but always looking for new technologies

Falegnameria Menardi

Creativity, imagination and woodworking skills

Falegnameria Chi De Mano

Since 1960 the right solution for every need in the world of wood