Sotecordes hike

3 h 30'
Rifugio Dibona
Rifugio Dibona

A walk of fascinating naturalistic interest, running through habitats of high biodiversity, amongst the richest and most uncontaminated in the Ampezzo Dolomites.

Starting from the mountain lodge Rifugio Dibona, take track n° 403 towards Rifugio Giussani, until you reach the intersection with track n° 404. After a short section on the level, the track starts to wind uphill until you reach the foot of the south wall of the majestic Tofana di Rozes, one of Cortina’s iconic peaks. Follow track n° 404, running along Tofana’s impressive face, until you reach the gully Forcella Col dei Bos. The spectacular views offer sights of some of the finest mountains in the Ampezzo valley: from the Cinque Torri group, Averau and Nuvolau to Croda da Lago and Lastoi de Formin, right across to Antelao and Sorapis. 

From Forcella Col dei Bos you can see some military remains, and the entrance to the tunnel Galleria del Castelletto, on Tofana di Rozes. This is one of the many First World War tunnels of the Ampezzo area, which are now part of the famous equipped climbing route, Via Ferrata Lipella. Before starting the descent on track n° 402, while you are in the gully, take a look at the slopes opposite, with views of the peaks named Fanis and Torre Travenanzes, and the long, rugged Val Travenanzes valley.

Go downhill until you meet track n° 412 where you will get another amazing view, and you can see the military road used during the First World War, climbing gently up from the Cason di Rozes hut and comprising a short tunnel excavated in the rock. Take track n° 412 and follow it until you reach the starting-point at Rifugio Dibona. This mountain lodge, built during the First World War and later dedicated to the famous mountain guide Angelo Dibona, has a large panoramic terrace and excellent cuisine. Don’t miss the casunziei, the tagliolini pasta with blueberries, mascarpone and speck, and the apple strudel.

By car: From Cortina, take the road SS48 towards the Falzarego pass, go past the restaurant La Locanda del Cantoniere and the small church in Vervei, and continue for about 500 m until you reach the junction in Fedarola, turning off on the road that climbs up to the mountain lodge Rifugio Dibona. The second part of this road is a rough track, but in good condition.

By bus: From the bus station in the centre of Cortina, take the bus operated by the Dolomiti Bus company towards the Falzarego Pass (check times on the Dolomiti Bus website), and get off at the stop near the Fedarola junction. The stop is on request, and it is about 20-25 minutes from the centre of Cortina.



As it is partly on gravel, some scratches of the trail may be ruined or interrupted after strong rainfall. Please check the conditions of the path before starting the hike.


Rest points

Rifugio Dibona


7,6 km
2.331 m
Positive elevation gain
489 m
Negative elevation gain
489 m