Strobel Via Ferrata - Punta Fiames

5 h

The “Strobel” is a via ferrata that is de rigueur for mountain-lovers: it scales the west face of Punta Fiames to the north of Cortina. The view that you have when you reach the top is breath-taking; in fact, you can appreciate the Ampezzo Valley’s unique beauty and understand why it is called the Queen of the Dolomites.

From Cortina, head north to the Fiames area taking the state road SS 51, and leave your vehicle at the car park in that location. Track n° 218 is easily seen: it starts directly opposite Hotel Fiames and takes you into the forest, until you reach the intersection with the “Ex Ferrovia” (disused railway) cycle path. Take this for a few metres northwards until you reach the start of the track that climbs upwards, surrounded by dwarf mountain pines. The approach to the start of the via ferrata takes about an hour, and after the first section in the forest, it follows a scree-strewn gully that is quite steep at some points.

Carry on until you reach the foot of the western face of Punta Fiames, where you will see the famous plaque marking the start of the via ferrata. The latter is located on a wide ledge that runs across the face, and it is not technically difficult because its base is wide with minimal exposure. Go ahead until you get to an oblique ramp where you will see the first metal cables. Follow the route which, in the first section, winds up amongst dwarf mountain pines with some exposed sections, which will enable you to appreciate the beauty of this via ferrata, unique in its category. After a chimney-form fissure and a ledge system, you will reach the arête, from which you can admire the entire face, and if you are lucky, you may be able to watch climbers scaling the rock or ascending the nearby Jori arête.

From here, the last section of the via ferrata, with ladders and steps directly set into the rock, will bring you to the top of Punta Fiames from where in about 15 minutes you can reach the summit cross which welcomes you with its incredible panoramic view. From the summit, you can admire the entire Boite river valley; in fact, Punta Fiames is well placed for an aerial view of the entire Ampezzo Valley.

To go back down, follow the track to the saddle Forcella Pomagagnon. From here, you have to go down a long scree slope, for which good hiking boots are essential. In particular, the last section is rather steep and so calls for a good degree of mountaineering experience. At the bottom of the scree slope, follow track n° 202 to the intersection with track n° 218, which will bring you back to the car.


Medium difficulty, ascent predominantly on wide ledges, some sections exposed but well-protected and safe.

Rest points

Hotel Fiames


If you prefer not to go down the Pomagagnon scree slope, you can descend on the other side, along the Val Padeon valley, by taking track n° 202 and then n° 203 until you reach the historic and characterful Rifugio Ospitale Restaurant. In this case, you can then take a bus to Fiames, or make arrangements to use two cars, leaving one at the restaurant car park.


2.240 m
Positive elevation gain
950 m
Negative elevation gain
950 m