Pianozes Lake tour

One of Cortina's most popular destinations for trail running

Nuvolau tour

Route requiring good training due to the high altitude and altitude difference

Croda da Lago tour

Extraordinary route along the Croda da Lago between forests and one of the most beautiful lakes in the Dolomites

Croda de r'Ancona tour

Route within the Natural Park of the Ampezzo Dolomites

Tofane tour

Challenging but exceptional panoramic route with views of the surrounding peaks

Pian de Ra Spines

Easy route along the Boite river through forests and streams

Lavaredo Ultra Trail

The route of the most demanding Lavaredo Ultra Trail race: 120 km and 5800 m of elevation gain

Walk to Lake Ghedina

An easy walk through forests and Alpine grassland, reaching the banks of the lovely Lake Ghedina.

Hike to Rifugio Nuvolau

A circular walk to the Ampezzo valley’s first mountain lodge.

Walk from the town centre to Campo

This easy walk with a minimal vertical distance is ideal for all, and provides unexpected views over Cortina’s grasslands and peaks.

Cinque Torri tour

An easy walk along the trenches of War World One, surrounded by stunning landscapes.

Walk to Pian de Ra Spines

A pleasant walk along the river Boite in the Pian de Ra Spines forest.

Walk to Lake Lìmedes

A short and easy walk to Lago di Lìmedes, a small lake set amongst some of the most famous peaks in the Dolomites.

Walk to the enchanting Lake Sorapis

One of the most magical lakes in the Dolomites, with its distinctive and unusual intense turquoise colour.

Walk to the sources of River Boite and Lake Fosses

An itinerary in the heart of the Natural Park of the Ampezzo Dolomites, with lakes and streams of crystal-clear water.

Dolomieu Trail

A panoramic track dedicated to Déodat de Dolomieu, the French geologist famous for having discovered “Dolomia” rock, after which the Dolomites are named.

A walk to the Forcella Zumeles gully

A panoramic route at the foot of mount Cristallo with views over the whole Ampezzo valley.